Sunday, April 2, 2017

Childhood Questions

5. When I was a child, my family did a lot of different activities for fun. Movies were a big part of my childhood that built towards a passion I still obtain today. The summer time is mainly a big time for movie watching for me and my brother. Our mother would take us to go see at least 3 movies a month at the local theater, Wehrenberg. I vaguely remember watching TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and instantly thinking it was one of the best movies I have ever seen. It wasn't enjoyable just for me, but I am sure the rest of my family enjoyed the same experience as I did. 

12. I didn't have any serious ailments or injuries as a child until I reached my early teen years. I still count this as my childhood years because of how serious it ended up being at the time. I was pitching in one of my baseball games and doing a fairly good job this particular game. It was about midway into the game before I took a baseball to the eye off of a batted ball. At the time, I couldn't comprehend anything because the ball came so quick, and the next thing I knew, I was in my dad's truck riding to the hospital. Turns out, the ball struck my face a couple of centimeters below my orbital bone. My doctor said I was lucky because if it hit my orbital bone, there was a good chance it would've broken and given me a larger impairment on my eyesight. Currently in my right eye, my vision is a little weak compared to my left eye. Since I have contacts, my right eye prescription is a little more heavier now.

15. I didn't necessarily have a specific favorite game as a child. However, I had a Playstation 2 gaming system I used to play all the time with a variety of different games. Anything from sports to fantasy and fictional games, I played everything they had to offer. I remember going to a store just down the road from my house to buy all of my games. It was essentially a better version of a Vintage Stock that always had good deals for the highest quality. I did other things besides gaming on a throwback console, but it was just so rememberable with how dear it was to my heart. So many good experiences and days were spent doing what I loved doing at the time.

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy to think how lucky you were with your eye injury and that if it would've hit you just a little bit differently you could've had more problems with your eye. I'm so glad that your eye is healed and for the most part back to normal other than your change in prescription.
